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Your key to creating a feedback culture

As humans, we are constantly confronted with change, and we must continually adapt in order to evolve. Communication is essential to adaptation and evolution, which is why feedback is so important. In a way, feedback is the compass that guides us on our journey towards excellence. He helps us to correct our course when we stray, and to seize new opportunities as they arise.

What’s true in life is even truer in our businesses. So, as leaders, it’s up to us to create a culture that encouragesfeedback within our organizations.

What is a feedback culture?

A feedback culture fosters an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. Exchanges are encouraged in existing work processes. Although exchanges are not always easy, the benefits they bring are appreciated by all. Imagine a boat sailing without a compass. He can move, but he’s going in circles, going nowhere.

Selon notre expérience, le retour d’information (feedback) est incontournable au sein d’une organisation performante. Feedback improves communication, enhances efficiency, increases productivity and resolves conflicts. It also fosters a positive work culture and reinforces trust and respect among our team members.

More agility and adaptability

In today’s fast-paced business world, agility is one of the keys to success. Agility isn’t just about moving fast. We also need to be able to adapt and pivot when necessary, in response to change. In our experience at PYXIS, open and honest communication enables this agility. And that’s how feedback dojos come into play.


As managers, we need to devote time to activities that can help improve communication, collaboration and productivity within our teams. At PYXIS, we believe that feedback dojos are the perfect way to achieve these goals, so we encourage you to make room in your schedule for them.

What is a feedback dojo?

A feedback dojo is a structured learning session held in a group. In this context, team members are invited to practice giving and receiving feedback in a safe environment conducive to exchange.

It’s an effective way of building trust, respect and collaboration within teams. Feedback dojos are also an ideal place to address problems or concerns that may be hindering our progress.

Considerable long-term benefits

In our experience, making room for feedback dojos in our schedules and those of our teams has proved highly beneficial over the long term. In particular, they enable :

  • Improved communication. Feedback dojos help to improve communication within your teams, by encouraging open and honest dialogue. This leads to better collaboration and problem-solving, as well as a more positive work culture.
  • Greater efficiency and productivity. By addressing issues or concerns that may be impeding our progress, feedback dojos help streamline our processes and increase our efficiency. In this way, we can save time and improve our long-term productivity.
  • Stronger team relationships. Feedback dojos help to build trust and respect between our team members, fostering cooperation and collaboration. In this way, we create closer-knit, more productive teams.
  • Enhanced learning and development. Feedback dojos offer our team members a safe place to practice giving and receiving feedback, helping them to develop new skills and improve their performance.

Making room for feedback dojos in our calendars has many advantages for our teams and organizations. Of course, you have to invest time and effort upstream, but the long-term benefits are well worth it.

Feedback dojos: where to start?

If you’d like to set up feedback dojos in your organization, PYXIS offers a series of training courses tailored to your needs.

When you join us, you’ll be supported by our experienced trainers, who will work with you to design a customized feedback dojo program that meets the specific needs of your teams.

We invite you to take the first steps today to build a culture of feedback and continuous improvement within your organization!