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How to achieve success in agile transition

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The concept of agility has taken the business world by storm in recent decades, with many organizations adopting agile frameworks and practices with the aim of increasing their efficiency and adaptability. Cependant, la mise en œuvre d’Agile ne se fait pas toujours sans heurts, et de nombreuses organisations sont confrontées au désengagement des employés, à un faible rendement des investissements et à l’épuisement des employés. These challenges underline the importance of effective leadership in the transition to Agile.

“Agile Transition Leadership” is a one-and-a-half day program designed to help managers and team leaders positively influence their organization’s transition to Agile. It covers all the essential elements of agile leadership, including understanding the impact of Agile on teams and the organization, learning techniques and appropriating tools to put agile leadership into practice. It’s important to note that the training also focuses on creating an environment that fosters the success of agile teams and on promoting a shift towards servant leadership, and to recognize that the successful implementation of Agile requires more than just new roles, responsibilities and tools.

Agility and its role in the company

But what is agile leadership and why is it so important? Fundamentally, agile leadership is about empowering teams to take ownership of their work and make decisions in line with the organization’s objectives. It’s about creating a culture of trust and transparency, and encouraging collaboration and continuous improvement. Agile leaders understand that their role is not to dictate solutions, but rather to create the conditions in which teams can flourish. This requires a shift in mindset, from traditional, hierarchical leadership to a more service-oriented approach.

Agile transition leadership: for whom? Why?

The “Leadership in Agile Transition” training course is a valuable opportunity for anyone looking to lead their organization through the challenges of transitioning to greater agility. By providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of the impact of Agile thinking on teams and the organization, teaching techniques and providing tools to put agile leadership into practice, training helps leaders create the conditions necessary for the success of agile teams and a smoother transition for the organization as a whole.

If you’re a manager, team leader, product manager, Scrum Master or project manager looking to effectively lead your organization through an agile transition, this training course is a must.

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